Saturday, June 8, 2013

Far East Side

Pickerington ponds is where the randomness lead me yesterday. Its actually in Canal Winchester, on the far east side of Columbus. This place is drenched in history, totally quaint and charming; I always enjoy visiting Canal.  
Really needed to "recharge the batteries" yesterday and get some meditation in. This happened to be an awesome day for just that, and surprisingly cool for June here in cow town.

The ponds have just a little over 400 acres, plenty of room to play and do some research. First little experiment I did was the rock tapping song, basically just tapped some rocks together near the creek, and made a song out of it with singing and the whole bit.  I know that sounds weird to some people, but its completely normal to me. I love trying new ways and methods, and am always down for a Squatchy time.
Nothing out of the ordinary really happened after the experiment took place.  Although I did get surrounded by  dozens of birds! which I always love. Unfortunately  I did not cover all the ground I would have liked , so will have to go back here a few more days and do some looking. 
Here is a collection of photos from the day.

This bridge was assembled in 1897 in Canal Winchester, and moved here in the 1930's  

My letter to Bigfoot

Dear Bigfoot,

   I will continue to peacefully and respectfully  look for answers, and learn about your existence. No matter how many people laugh at me for it. I have your back, man., always. I know your going to always be wild and free. That's why I love you. Hopefully one day I will catch a glimpse or we can finally meet. Your mysteries may elude us for decades to come, but I will still be out there
in the woods learning and waiting.

Love always,

~Peace, Love, and Squatches~

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