Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Peace Squatchin'

Summer Bigfooting season is in full swing here in Ohio.  Haven't had this much fun by myself since I was a little kid. Its time to just roam around in nature and have a great time! Stuff your back pack full of goodies and go! The smell of fresh cut grass, the wildflowers, (even the crazy looks I get while out in the field) Its just pure bliss to me!

 I run into so many people who are scared of Bigfoot on a daily basis. Some people are so frightened they won't even talk about them. I believe if you keep your soul and heart peaceful, and just be peaceful overall you will be just fine.(this pertains to both life and Bigfooting) 

Yes there are many legends and reports of them "attacking" people but I believe if you respect them, they will respect you. I try to always wear my peace sign medallion around my neck.Not only as a reminder to others that "I Come In Peace" but to remind myself, in times of worry or anxiousness, that peace is upon me. 

  I strive to learn more about Bigfoot each day, my mind craves it, and my soul is hungry for it.
As we embark on these beautiful journeys into the wilderness it should remind us all that this world is more vast and beautiful than we could ever imagine. 

  Just remember the wilderness is "wild" and you must be careful always.Keep your mind clear know your surroundings, too many people get lost(me occasionally) Every tree looks the same as you go around in circles to find your way home. Just be prepared and keep your smarts about you.Use your better judgement while you're out in the woods.

 It is essential to take a trash bag with me when I do my research. This is not only for my own use, but if I happen to find any other garbage left by others.(which sadly I find all too often ) 
 Be responsible for your mess, Please clean it up! Keep this world beautiful. 
Maybe if we all do our part the forests of North America will be around for our children, and Bigfoot's  furry children for many years to come. 

 Have a beautiful time! Reflect and Collect!

~Peace, Love and Squatches~

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