Friday, October 4, 2013

Back to the Hills

The anticipation was killing me , and on this particular day I had to go. Gathered up my Squatch bag with all my Bigfooting needs, and hit the road. But where? The only place in Ohio I actual love. The hills of hocking. Going to the hocking hills region is an adventure lovers dream. I've talked about this place before on this blog, and it's still very mysterious, plus as creepy as all get up. it may look a little small on the map, but there are plenty of places for those Squatches to slip away.

It was a very misty humid day, my glasses fogging up the entire time I was there..But even with all that mess going on continued to see oddities around every corner. Blackhand stone over hangs  are everywhere! With Small wholes in quite a few of them. Took a peek inside one and it went back about 3 ft, and it looked like a tunnel to the right as it curved slightly. Not exactly sure if it was a tunnel but it's defiantly possible that it went back further. Seen a bunch of ripped up sticks under a large boulder and thought it looked weird and out of  place. So obviously I had to take a picture!

You guys want me to shut up about trees yet? Well too bad! If you remember I am very intrigued at why theses branches are being pulled off, and by what. Here are a few pictures of interest in regards to those Awesomely silly trees.


Over top of one of the overhangs some trees were hanging over camouflaging the entrance to the cave or crevasse  (I could only slightly see behind it.) 

I have a gut feeling that this place becomes alive at night! So many out of place trees, and oddities. With it be closed after dark, theses Squatches have plenty of time to play until the people arrive in the morning. We may never know really, but its awesome to think about at the very least.

I have a few reasons to get up in the morning, and one of those reasons is the Sasquatch.
He may be a hairy beast, but I think he is just a big softy on the inside. I Love Sasquatch, Bigfooting, and the chase. Its these middle bits that mean the most in life. Not the beginning, or  the end. The middle. Enjoy your excursions, don't worry about "finding" Bigfoot. You need to collect data and find the clues, in which will help us in learning about the life of the Squatch. That's your job Bigfooters, and if you love what you do ( like me) and have a passion for this field, you will try your best. And really that's all we can do, Just try our very best and give respect to Sasquatch.

                                      ~Peace, Love and Squatches~

                               If you never try, then you'll never know.

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