Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Eternal Optimist

Be brave, and be true to yourself always. Don't waste one more moment on this earth, just go for it, scoop your dreams up and make them yours.  Keep a positive attitude and disposition, and you will be happy with just " being." These are just a few things I try and instill in myself to stay at peace.

No matter how many bad things happen to me, I still walk around with a smile on my face and a song inside my heart. I will not let anyone or anything take that from me.
In this world their are people who are very angry and want to bring you down, they want to push you into being angry with them, so they will have some company in "negative land." Don't go there, it is a sad place, I have been there many times, it's no longer on my itinerary.

~Peace, Love, and Squatches~

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