My Bigfoot field writings, media updates, Bigfoot pictures and stories. ~Peace Love and Squatches~
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Awesome Sasquatch Summit
Very excited for the movie Bigfoot Roadtrip to come out in June!
Here is a piece of the movie that did not make it into the film, a truly awesome clip.
Most defiantly a friend of the Squatch!
Find more out at:
Authentic Big-footing at its best.
~Peace, Love, and Squatches~
The Intro...
Reynoldsburg Ohio's very own "Field of Dreams" |
I started this blog to record my findings in my own Bigfoot field research. As well as connecting with others who might actually understand what I am talking about and doing out in the field. I love the great outdoors and taking new adventures any chance I can get,while skipping and singing through it all ! I really love being out in the woods having a great time!
The adventures in my life are very unique, kinda like me, with a dash of clumsiness ....
Yes I'm a woman Squatcher, and am not discouraged easily, I am in the dirt and mud with the men, and don't care what anyone thinks of me! This is who I am and I love me!
One of my little red Squatch//Song books |
You got to have a booklet or two, or three in my case! Mine are song books as well , some of my best songwriting/poetry has been written in the woods.
This is from my last little mini adventure
~Peace, Love, And Squatches~
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Tomorrow May Rain So I'll Follow The Sun
Now I don't usually post music on here, but I thought this was appropriate for the way I have been feeling lately, I hate wasting, especially time. Enjoy: I'll Follow the Sun, and Blackbird by the Beatles, Classics!
I'll follow the sun
Just like a photograph is a still frame in time, so is your life, this moment will never be here again!
To all my friends, family, and lovely readers,
Thank you
~Peace, Love and Squatches~
Monday, May 27, 2013
All In The Family
Thursday, May 23 2013,
Took my Big-footing to yet another Preserve, Walter A. Tucker not only was I familiar with this one, its in the town I grew up in, Reynoldsburg. I no longer live in this town, but my parents do, so I took my Mom along this little adventure with me. First when we got there teenage kids were acting a fool, riding on top of cars and making all kinds of noise, this was around the park entrance. Very discouraging but I pressed on.
We sat down to eat some Wendy's Burgers, before hand, (they were awesome) and then made our way to the trails. We met some very friendly people that helped us along the way, I don't know how we got lost, but we did! Although Mom and I do tend to get lost a lot together...
On this day I did not see anything that would make me believe that Bigfoot may live in this area. I did hear a strange noise, but my guess it was Probably just a Raccoon. My thoughts are that it may be too noisy and over populated here, but I enjoyed the time with my mom . I think she enjoyed Squatching with me too, even though she will not admit this! But I most certainly will go with her again!( My brother Kyle is already part of the Peacesquatch team, he will soon be helping piece together some videos and do some Pod-casting with me. )
I may go back to this location to walk, but that's about it. Sorry but in my opinion Reynoldsburg is not Squatchy!
keep pushing on,
~Peace, Love and Squatches~
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Picture of my hometown Reynoldsburg, Ohio |
We sat down to eat some Wendy's Burgers, before hand, (they were awesome) and then made our way to the trails. We met some very friendly people that helped us along the way, I don't know how we got lost, but we did! Although Mom and I do tend to get lost a lot together...
On this day I did not see anything that would make me believe that Bigfoot may live in this area. I did hear a strange noise, but my guess it was Probably just a Raccoon. My thoughts are that it may be too noisy and over populated here, but I enjoyed the time with my mom . I think she enjoyed Squatching with me too, even though she will not admit this! But I most certainly will go with her again!( My brother Kyle is already part of the Peacesquatch team, he will soon be helping piece together some videos and do some Pod-casting with me. )
I may go back to this location to walk, but that's about it. Sorry but in my opinion Reynoldsburg is not Squatchy!
keep pushing on,
~Peace, Love and Squatches~
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Squatchy Baby!
Squatchy indeed!
Was able to visit a State Nature Preserve in Gahanna, Ohio today. It smelled amazing and was completely gorgeous, especially under the tree canopy. This place is literally 10 miles from my house and is very easy to find. I have went past this place for many YEARS and have never stopped to see it. I took a few photos along the way I would like to share with you.
These all were taken on May 22, 2013 around 7pm.
Tree bent over the trail |
this was about 2 miles through the forest |
Close up on last photo |
While walking deep into the preserve, came across a creek with a cute little bench, and then just across the creek heard some tree branches snapping , Just a few seconds after that I heard more snapping to my left.
And yes, my curiosity almost got the best of me again! I had to stop myself, it was getting dark and hard to see inside the thick brush, and impossible to see any movement. I didn't hear anything else like that the rest of the day.This was a pretty successful day in my book, will certainly be going here to do more research. Seen some possible nesting sites and got to reconnect with myself in the process. Great day for me!
~Peace, Love, and Squatches~
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
The Eternal Optimist
Be brave, and be true to yourself always. Don't waste one more moment on this earth, just go for it, scoop your dreams up and make them yours. Keep a positive attitude and disposition, and you will be happy with just " being." These are just a few things I try and instill in myself to stay at peace.
No matter how many bad things happen to me, I still walk around with a smile on my face and a song inside my heart. I will not let anyone or anything take that from me.
In this world their are people who are very angry and want to bring you down, they want to push you into being angry with them, so they will have some company in "negative land." Don't go there, it is a sad place, I have been there many times, it's no longer on my itinerary.
~Peace, Love, and Squatches~
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Great apes are known to build sophisticated nests bending tree branches and using various leaves.These nests are approximately 5 ft long and 3 ft wide mostly in tree canopy's. Studies have shown that they use them once and move on. If this is so than the "possible" Bigfoot nests I have come across are very similar, both in length and width.(with the exception of them being on the ground) While out in the woods I have noticed the mounds next to the stick structures are covered with mud, sticks and rocks.(like I have said in previous posts.) I have only done field research in Ohio thus far.This may just be a regional thing or has anyone seen these in any other areas?
I will continue to write down data and study this in further detail.
Mama and baby Orangutans Nesting
Go out and enjoy your Sunday, have fun and learn something new about yourself today!
~Peace, Love and Squatches~
~Peace, Love and Squatches~
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Good Morning!
Good Morning! This Squatcher is going to try her luck at one of the Columbus metro parks today, the one I am going to (secret location) is more than 600 acres and closes after dark. This place defiantly has the perfect habitat for a Sasquatch, thick brush, a few marshes and a Maple forest. I will give more details after the adventure! Wish me luck! I better bring some water this time around!
And I'm gonna go there free....
Perfect Squatching song for today! Maybe I should wear my Paps old fishing hat and use my Dads antique binoculars? We are going to have an awesome time! Videos and Pod-casts to come very very soon
~Peace, Love and Squatches~
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Bigfoot in NM?
There is a a place in northern New Mexico, known for its elk herds, up in he Jemez Mountains. Known as the Valles Caldera crater.
Possible Bigfoot caught on video here, thoughts?
~Peace, Love, and Squatches~
Monday, May 13, 2013
Ohio and its Preserves
89 Nature Preserves open to the public, there are 136 all together scattered throughout the state of Ohio. Obviously they are no hunting zones, which is prime real estate for a Sasquatch.
In 1942 the Ohio Historical Society officially listed its first Nature Preserve, Cedar Bog. Its located on the edge of Kettering , and home to over 100 different species of wild life.
Some also believe it is the home of Bigfoot.
People have reportedly seen an ape-like creature walking around the Woodburn rd area, which actually runs near the bog.
Soon after the sightings started to happen the state erected a large barbed wire fence,either to keep the people out, or keep Bigfoot in, a few will say.
Ohio is my home state, born and raised in the suburbs of Columbus. I have spent my childhood going into the woods playing in creeks, mud, swinging on ropes, etc. There are a lot of strange noises in those woods, and a lot of abandoned property's, buildings, shacks, and old barns. I have even seen a few abandoned towns near Cincinnati.
This habitat makes perfect cover for Bigfoot to hide and live.
Go visit Ohio and enjoy the beautiful Nature Preserves it has to offer, you never really know what you will here or see in my squatchy state.
~Peace, Love, and Squatches~
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Those trees are upside down....
Weird phenomenon or Bigfoot related?
Random trees in the woods are upside down and no one knows how they got that way?
I personally think that it is Bigfoot related. Crazy to think that something could pull a tree out of the ground and shove it back in, but if anything could do it, it would be a Sasquatch.
I have always wanted to see one of these trees, just another one of natures mysteries.
My guess is that when most people see them they just think its strange and move on, they don't stop to take any pictures. If you see one please take pictures for me! :) I am obsessed with them!
Random trees in the woods are upside down and no one knows how they got that way?
I personally think that it is Bigfoot related. Crazy to think that something could pull a tree out of the ground and shove it back in, but if anything could do it, it would be a Sasquatch.
I have always wanted to see one of these trees, just another one of natures mysteries.
My guess is that when most people see them they just think its strange and move on, they don't stop to take any pictures. If you see one please take pictures for me! :) I am obsessed with them!
Feel free to send me any upside down tree pictures or thoughts at
~Peace , Love and Squatches~
Friday, May 10, 2013
Bigfoot Blues
Dear Fellow Squatchers,
When you just can't make it out to the woods and are craving that time so bad.... but you've got other responsibilities to take care of first, don't give up or get discouraged. Keep going on, living your lives, let your passions stay awake inside! Go out when you can, as much as you can.
I know a lot of you are addicted to Squatching like I am. It makes me feel so alive, the sweet smell of freedom, exploring the depths of nature. Its like nothing else in the entire world, I will live out the rest of my life doing this, I hope you all will join me. Go scratch that Squatching itch as soon as you can, and go have a beer in the mean time.
I really want to thank all the readers, we are just getting started here at Peace Squatch, and appreciate all the support you have given us.
never give up on the Squatch!
~Peace, Love and Squatches~
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Use It, or lose It
Intuition is a big part of doing my research, when trying to "find Bigfoot" I often use my 6th sense and let my soul lead the way. I don't have a lot of equipment I only have a few notebooks, binoculars, and a camera. But that with my intuition Is all I need right now. There are a lot of squatchy places in my neck of the woods, it seems almost unreal. As I drive on the back road to get the my house, while briefly checking around the area I have seen some interesting sights down a ravine. I have been down that ravine before while walking with my brother a few years ago.
There are a couple abandoned buildings, and an empty concrete pool. This past winter you could see almost perfectly while driving past that their was a stick structure and a lot of out of place rocks and branches. There is a gate in front of the hidden drive entrance, I know no one lives there , the buildings have no windows or doors, but it says no trespassing, unfortunately. I'm a good girl so I don't break too many laws :) but maybe one day I will get the guts to go back there again.
~Peace, Love and Squatches~
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
The Great Smoky Squatch
If anyone would like to talk Squatch with me or my team, we will be in the Gatlinburg,Tn area on June 10-14th 2013, come grab a beer with us!
Drop us a line at
~Peace, Love and Squatches~
Drop us a line at
~Peace, Love and Squatches~
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Music,Bigfoot and Me
They pair very well together for me, my soul would not be complete without them both. Music was the talent and environment I grew up around, my mom is a singer/writer, her dad was a Great singer/writer as well, that was my pap. I learned a lot from them both throughout the years.
When you are in the forest keep your heart and mind open, and your soul peaceful.
Give them the respect they deserve,
~Peace, Love and Squatches~
Monday, May 6, 2013
Fire Starter Thief ...
My family and I took a trip to South Bloomingfield, Ohio to camp , as earlier noted in my first blog entry. We stayed in a cabin secluded in the middle of the woods. It was a chilly day and we decided to pick up a fire starter at Grandma Faye's ( local grocery/general store)down the street since it had rained the night before. I left the bag on a bench in front of our cabin, went inside at approximately 4:30 and when we all came back outside at 5:05 the bag was empty, no fire starter or sign of anyone being there to take it! Kinda strange considering the cabin was a mile and a half from any other campsites.
Around 10 pm that night I went out on the deck to take a look at the stars. As soon as I got out I heard something comparable to grimlins eating (only thing I could think of it sounding like!) It scared me so bad that I ran inside and slammed the door shut,
The very next morning the fire starter was sitting on the porch directly in front of the door with pieces taken out of it like it had been chewed on by something.
I didn't notice these muddy prints at first, it actually took about 7 pictures and I was standing very still. I used
a 14 mp camera, and it still turned out blurry.
I have no idea what kind of animal would make a muddy print like this,
the bottom print actually looked like a 10 yr old child's foot print but a little wider. The smaller one above looked like a toddlers foot print.
If you have any thoughts or questions please feel free to comment or email me.
It was a hell of an experience and I will probably go back even though it scared me to half to death,.
I really wished I had recorded what I heard that night ,or caught whatever stole my fire starter.
Better luck next time I guess!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Bigfoot In The Hills?
Welcome to Peace Squatch
I will be posting the most accurate information, on my findings in the field as a Bigfoot researcher.
As a young child my family and I would go to Old mans cave a lot during those hot summer days, because of the cool gorges and caves it has to offer. I really had no idea how extensive this area was until I was an adult, and I am born and raised in Ohio! The hills are very unique and If your not from Ohio, you may not have even heard of them. Here is a map I got from the parks website.
The first place I decided to go was the rock house, in Rockbridge,Ohio. One of the most secluded areas of the hocking hills park. what I noticed and kinda of freaked me out was how quite it was, no animals, not even birds were around! while walking down the trail their were some odd looking mounds that looked to be made of sticks,mud and rocks. These mounds had a hole on the side that looked to be the size of a cantaloupe. I did not get too close to it, for respect of what was in it (if anything) and personal safety. Surrounding these mounds were several large branches broken and what looked to be a rounded stick structure, defiantly out of place. Below is the best picture I could find of this.
The next place visited that day was Conkles Hollow Nature Preserve. One of the most beautiful places the region has to offer in my opinion. My idea was just to take a whole lot of pictures of the cliffs above and surroundings then later go on my computer and see if anything interesting popped up. Out of the photos I took in the field that day this one below was the most compelling.
There has been a history of sightings in this area since the 1880s, with some being reported as recent as 2011. Have a few more experiences here I will post next time. Cannot wait to go back again, and see what else I can find!
Thank you for reading, until next time,
~Peace Love and Squatches~
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