Monday, July 22, 2013

Get On Your Bikes and Squatch!


"Bike Squatchin'' is a totally boss way to spend those long summer days. What is Bike Squatchin you might ask? I just kind of made it up in my head one day (although it probably already exists) and I just went with it!  I've always loved biking and thought it would give a different perspective on Bigfooting.

    You can either drive to your destination with your bike in the trunk of your car, or you can ride your  bike to your squatchy site. I choose to bike to my research area and Continued to bike through the woods.  But you need to keep your "scanners" on.  Its at a fast pace so be very careful, take it as slow as you need to.You do not want to hit a tree or get broke in the process.(or miss any evidence) Make sure you take a backpack with all of your research materials, and plenty of water, you will need it!
It is ten times harder to take photos while riding a bike, especially if you are an inexperienced biker or a klutz! Don"t forget to stop and take pictures and smell the beautiful wildflowers along the way.

(Warning: Children please don't try this on your own! Please be accompanied by an adult.) 

Clearing next to a creek at undisclosed location

This has been a very nostalgic experiment for me. Riding my bicycle has always been a major stress reliever for me .When I had to get away from certain unhappy situations as a child, I just jumped on the bike and away I went!  I will always have fond memories of going into the woods on bikes and going down neighborhood hills racing the boys. ( I always won hahaha) 

Looking down into a gorge 
Had a fantastic time learning this new technique. Nothing but awesomely fun times to be had Bike Squatching!  While not much evidence was collected on this trial experiment, I will never give up hope on Sasquatch!  So glad I got to be in the thick of it this past week. I would most definitely recommend other Bigfooters to give it a try. Keeps you cooler on those long hot days, and will get you there a whole lot quicker.We all need a little excitement in our lives from time to time, and this was just the ticket for me.

~Peace, Love And Squatches~

Friday, July 19, 2013

Portland Baby !

   Summer is ready to go! I am happy to say I will finally be going to Portland,Oregon. This has been a long time in the making, I have always wanted to visit this place! Not only for the "keep Portland weird factor" but for the beautiful Bigfoots, and scenery.  Will also be attending Hopsquatch on Sunday July 28 and am totally stoked about that!  Terribly wanting to see a cast as I never seen or touched one in my life! Ahhh! Would also love to do an awesome night investigation while I am in town.(with experiments to boot) That would be truly amazing and a dream come true for me. 
 Will be there July 26-30 so if anyone wants to go Bigfooting with me this is your chance!  
Email me at  if you would like to go. 
I will be in Portland alone my brother unfortunately could not make it out with me ;( but I am determined to have a fabulous time ! 
I really hope to see you there, If you see me wandering Aimlessly  around town please say hi! 

~Peace, Love and Squatches~ 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Peace Squatchin'

Summer Bigfooting season is in full swing here in Ohio.  Haven't had this much fun by myself since I was a little kid. Its time to just roam around in nature and have a great time! Stuff your back pack full of goodies and go! The smell of fresh cut grass, the wildflowers, (even the crazy looks I get while out in the field) Its just pure bliss to me!

 I run into so many people who are scared of Bigfoot on a daily basis. Some people are so frightened they won't even talk about them. I believe if you keep your soul and heart peaceful, and just be peaceful overall you will be just fine.(this pertains to both life and Bigfooting) 

Yes there are many legends and reports of them "attacking" people but I believe if you respect them, they will respect you. I try to always wear my peace sign medallion around my neck.Not only as a reminder to others that "I Come In Peace" but to remind myself, in times of worry or anxiousness, that peace is upon me. 

  I strive to learn more about Bigfoot each day, my mind craves it, and my soul is hungry for it.
As we embark on these beautiful journeys into the wilderness it should remind us all that this world is more vast and beautiful than we could ever imagine. 

  Just remember the wilderness is "wild" and you must be careful always.Keep your mind clear know your surroundings, too many people get lost(me occasionally) Every tree looks the same as you go around in circles to find your way home. Just be prepared and keep your smarts about you.Use your better judgement while you're out in the woods.

 It is essential to take a trash bag with me when I do my research. This is not only for my own use, but if I happen to find any other garbage left by others.(which sadly I find all too often ) 
 Be responsible for your mess, Please clean it up! Keep this world beautiful. 
Maybe if we all do our part the forests of North America will be around for our children, and Bigfoot's  furry children for many years to come. 

 Have a beautiful time! Reflect and Collect!

~Peace, Love and Squatches~

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Just Down The Road

This Semi-Secret  location was near New Albany Ohio. This Park/Preserve was on a scenic route past Flanagan's bar. (if you want the exact location email me at 

Last time I was here stumbled across some pretty odd things.  Noticed almost immediately a bunch of large branches were ripped off the tops of trees and laying in 3 neatly stacked piles. There was a weird little rounded cage  made out of bent sticks, and  what looked to be a raised grave/mound made of rocks and mud. This mound  had a width of 2 adult males, and about 7 ft -7.3 ft long. At the base of the mound  there was a park sign that looked like it was taken and ripped from its original location, and then shoved in the ground upside down.

 Another occurrence happened while sitting with my back facing  a "Highway Of Trees." This tree line was near a small pond and  while sitting on a bench heard some possible teeth chattering. (This is the most accurate information taken from my April 2013 notes).Unfortunately did not take any pictures or recordings of these instances.(Kicking Myself !  and you can kick me too!)
I really didn't expect to have any experiences at this park.We all make mistakes! I now take my camera everywhere, just in case something Super Squatchy happens.

Naturally, I wanted to follow up from the last time I was here. Possibly catch some more definitive evidence and learn more about this area. First thing I seen was a clump of yellowish blonde hair. I picked it up with a piece of paper and examined it.(smelled, felt and looked through the fibers.) I'm not an expert on Bigfoot hair at ALL!   It didn't have an odor of any kind and  felt like my own hair to me. Seemed  like someone just cleaned out their hairbrush and threw it on the ground.( clean your brushes out in the bathroom ladies!)Dang it!

Totally excited to see if the weird things in the forest this April were still around. Calmly and peacefully went back to the same spot and  Nothing really looked the same. Of course it was a few months ago, and storms have come and gone.Someone possibly could have tampered with it, or it may have been cleaned up by park rangers. I was pretty let down by this, as you can imagine. But nothing can keep me down for too long!

Experiment! Took my Harmonica to the park and played it for about 20 minutes in 2 minute increments. Sitting on the bench adjacent to the woods, held a few notes hear and there, just sat back and had a blast doing this by myself. While finishing up  heard two loud thuds on the ground in the distance. (like large logs being dropped). I was the only one at this park and it was around 8 pm. After that I just sat  waited and listened for a good long while. Heard some trees rustling and then silence. So maybe it worked!?!  Don't really know for sure, but very promising.Going to be using this method again in the very near future. I'll be back!

                 Have many more experiments in the works, be sure to check back soon!

~Peace, Love And Squatches~