Friday, May 10, 2013

Bigfoot Blues

Dear Fellow Squatchers, 

        When you just can't make it out to the woods and are craving that time so bad.... but you've got other responsibilities to take care of first, don't give up or get discouraged. Keep going on, living your lives, let your passions stay awake inside! Go out when you can, as much as you can.

            I know a lot of you are addicted to Squatching like I am. It makes me feel so alive, the sweet smell of freedom, exploring the depths of nature. Its like nothing else in the entire world, I will live out the rest of my life doing this, I hope you all will join me. Go scratch that Squatching itch as soon as you can, and go have a beer in the mean time.

 I really want to thank all the readers, we are just getting started here at Peace Squatch, and appreciate all the support you have given us.

                                                       never give up on the Squatch!


~Peace, Love and Squatches~


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